Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Story # 7

Sadly, I did not know his name until after we got back. But Paul was an awesome dude!! I first noticed him on Sunday while I was passing out stickers. I was passing out heart shaped stickers and saying i love you, in Creole, to all the kids. Now on Saturday I had several conversations with 20ish year old Haitian men that made me feel very uncomfortable. So when I came up to him I thought twice about telling him I love you because he is defiantly older. Actually he is pretty close to my age... Anywho I said to myself God loves him that is what you are trying to tell everyone so just tell him, how bad could it be? So I told him that I loved him and it made his day!! I'm so glad that I chose to tell him! Then on Tuesday morning he came and braided my hair, but because they were braiding my hair I couldn't see him.
Then on Tuesday evening, after Ramces told them we were leaving, he was the first to come up to me and hug me good bye. It was such a shock to me because I did not even know his name and he was so nice to me. I regret not spending more time with him.

P.S. I'm going to write about my team until I can get more pictures of the kids. Ill get those on Saturday. Then I'll be back on the plan. :) 

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