Friday, September 16, 2011

Laughlin family update :)

Hello all of my wonderful friends!!  I wanted to give you an update on what God has been doing in our family lately.
Trevor has a job and plans to go to Haiti in November to see one of his very close friends get married :) Its going to be awesome!! Trevor is thinking about staying in Haiti a little bit after the wedding, but who knows?
Carolyn is still the same awesome mommy as she always is. She plans on going to Haiti in December with Marin, one of our friends from church Niki, Niki's mom; who is like a Dr. so that is going to be awesome,  Niki's aunt, and myself.

I went to Dallas for a week, after I came home from Haiti, with my bible quiz team. Then I went on a road trip with my dad for two weeks. Then I came home and got a job so I could help pay for my many planned trips to Haiti. I started my 11th grade in school, man that is so strange to write! Now I’m going to school, working, and doing bible quiz. Like I said before the Laughlin girls and 3 of our lady friends plan on going to Haiti in December. Sometime around December 28th and January 8th. We will send out letters with more information on that when we learn some things ourselves! J

Because we have been all over this summer on trips and now going to school and working our thank you letter has taken WAY longer than we wanted it to but it is coming!! Hopefully you already know how thankful I’m, but it has some nice stories and pictures for you. Thanks for being patience! J  
Once again I would like to say THANK YOU!! You have given me the greatest gift any human has ever given me and I will always be grateful for that!
Please pray for the team that just went down to Haiti to try and convince the people who run the orphanage to let the orphans go so they can be taken care of better. This is a really BIG deal and it needs as much prayer as we can give cubed!! Please pray for Gods will to shine through in everything that happens.
Bondey beni ou! (God bless you)

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